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CDL Exam Secrets CDL Practice Test Study Guide -  CDL Test Review for the Commercial Drivers License Exam
***Includes Practice Test Questions*** CDL Exam Secrets - CDL Practice Tests & Air Brakes Endorsement helps you ace the Commercial Drivers License Exam, without weeks and months of endless studying. Our comprehensive CDL Exam Secrets - CDL Practice Tests & Air Brakes Endorsement study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test. Our original research reveals specific weaknesses that you can exploit to increase your exam score more than you have ever imagined. CDL Exam Secrets - CDL Practice Tests & Air Brakes Endorsement includes: The 5 Secret Keys to CDL Exam Success: Getting Time on Your Side, Guessing is not Guesswork, Practice Smarter, not Harder, Making the CDL Test Work for You, Test Yourself; A comprehensive General Strategy review including: Make Predictions, Answer the Question, Benchmark, Valid Information, Avoid Fact Traps, Milk the Question, The Trap of Familiarity, Eliminate Answers, Tough Questions, Brainstorm, Read Carefully, Face Value, Prefixes, Hedge Phrases, Switchback Words, New Information, Time Management, Contextual Clues, Do not Panic, Pace Yourself, Answer Selection, Check Your Work, Beware of Directly Quoted Answers, Slang, Extreme Statements, Answer Choice Families; Basics of Driving including: Vehicle Inspection, Control of Your Vehicle, Proper Acceleration, Controlling Steering, Backing Safely, Managing a Trailer, Changing Gears; Proper Communication including: Indicating Your Presence, Managing Space, Signaling Ahead, Passing with Caution; Hazardous Conditions including: Night Driving, Inclement Weather, Cold Weather Precautions, Hot Weather Conditions, Managing Fires; Equipment Failures including: Brake Failures, Airbrake Fading or Failure, Tire Failure, Crashes and Accidents, and much more...


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CDL Commercial Driver's License Exam - 
REA's Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Test Prep Puts You in the Driver's Seat! Updated 5th Edition Looking to get your CDL and start a new and profitable career? REA can get you headed in the right direction! Commercial drivers are needed across the country, and a high score on the CDL improves your chances for landing the job you want. This updated fifth edition of our popular test prep offers complete preparation for both the bus and truck driver licensing exams. Based on the current CDL exams, REA's Commercial Driver's License test prep contains everything you need to know. Easy-to-follow review chapters cover all the topics tested on the exams, including: General Knowledge and Skills Passenger Transport Air Brakes Combination Vehicles Hazardous Materials Tankers Metal Coil Doubles/Triples Checklists, diagrams, and definitions of must-know terms help reinforce your knowledge and skills while you study. This complete CDL test prep package features the latest information on the testing and licensing requirements in all 50 states. Learn the facts about the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act, Rules, and Licensing, so you'll be well informed on the rules of the road. The book features 8 practice tests that cover the entire scope of the CDL exams . Each test comes complete with detailed answer explanations. Unlike other test preps, we don't just say which answers are right, we explain why the other choices are wrong, and that gives you an advantage on test day. REA's CDL test prep is a must for anyone preparing for this career-building exam!


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CDL Test Preparation Guide Everything You Need to Know - 
This up-to-date and easy-to-read Commercial Driver's License (CDL) test preparation guide covers everything you need to know before taking the exam, setting you on a path to success. Aside from presenting the "need to know" material tested on the CDL exam, the 2nd Edition provides tips for new drivers, and added step-by-step illustrations to help make certain that you understand the information you've read. Students of all levels, even those with English as a second language, will feel comfortable with the thorough, easy-to-use information contained within.


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Pass the CDL Exam  Everything You Need to Know by Van ONeal - 
In many organizations, from transit authorities to utility companies, shuttle services, law enforcement, and fire and rescue, there are individuals preparing to take the CDL exam. This new book assists them in preparing to pass the exam on the first try with clear and concise information geared for adult learners. The information is straightforward and to the point, without resorting to gimmicks or tricks. By learning concepts in context, readers better understand the information and are better prepared to pass the CDL examination and become professional drivers.


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