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Ronald Reagan Image of the Beast - 
Publication Date Scheduled Oct. 31st The pictures that we saw of former United States President Ronald Reagan on television and in the movies represent the talking image of the Beast spoken about in Revelation chapter 13. He met all of the requirements to be named as one of the Seven Heads, G-7, of the Beast that was wounded, by Hinkley. This Beast is also known as the Red Dragon which can be broken down to spell Reagan. Gregory Gordon is the Beast Hunter. Ever since hearing about Regan being the Antichrist on B.. Day of 1980 Gordon has been following the story and this is his third and final book on the subject. But, in following the story of Reagan being the Antichrist he also turned up other things of the prophecy. Gordon puts forth this challenge. If you can see the events of 9-11-01 in Daniel 8: 1-8 you must take a good look at all that he writes about in this book. Daniel 8: 1-8 and Regan as the Antichrist are told together by the requirement for a special understanding as mentioned by Jesus i Matthew and Revelation. This book provides that special understanding.


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The Deepest and Noblest Aspirations The Wisdom of Ronald Reagan - 
The Deepest and Noblest Aspirations is an inspiring collection of sayings by President Ronald Regan. It is based on the complete quote, " Freedom is one of the deepest and noblest aspirations of the human spirit." This elegantly designed compendium gathes the very best, most thought-provoking statements. A wonderful gift for students, history buffs, and the millions of Americans who admire Ronald Regan snd want to learn more about him


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Summary of The Man Who Sold the World Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street America  - William Kleinknecht
This ebook consists of a summary of the ideas, viewpoints and facts presented by William Kleinknecht in his book The Man Who Sold the World: Ronald Regan and the Betrayal of Main Street America. This summary offers a concise overview of the entire book in less than 30 minutes reading time. However this work does not replace in any case William Kleinknecht's book. Kleinknecht argues that Regan's presidency actually devastated America, especially Main Street America and he explains that all that has gone wrong in the US during the recent years can be traced back to Regan's policies.


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Regulation in the Reagan-Bush Era  - 
Explores the unprecedented influence of executive power over the federal regulatory process during the Ronald Regan and then George H. Bush presidencies.


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Landslide The Unmaking of the President - 1984-1988
This is an expose of the last four years of Ronald Reagan's presidency, which studies internal rivalries and dissension within the White House. It provides revelatory material about Donald Regan and Vice President George Bush and gives a detailed examination of the United State's dealings with Iran during the American hostage episode. Jane Mayer is a journalist on the "Wall Street Journal" and Doyle McManus writes for the "Los Angeles Times".


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What I Saw at the Revolution A Political Life in the Reagan Era - 
A special assistant to the president during the height of the Reagan era, Peggy Noonan worked with him, and with then vice-president Bush, on some of their most famous and memorable speeches. Now, in her thoroughly engaging and unanimously acclaimed memoir, Noonan shows us the world behind the words. Her sharp and vivid portraits of Ronald and Nancy Reagan, George Bush, Donald Regan, and a host of Washington's movers and shakers are rendered in her inimitable, witty prose. And her priceless account of what it was like to be a speechwriter among bureaucrats, and a woman in the last bastion of male power, makes this a Washington memoir that breaks the mold--as spirited, sensitive and thoughtful as Peggy Noonan herself.A SELECTION OF THE BOOK-OF-THE-MONTH CLUBA NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK OF THE YEARFrom the Paperback edition.


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The Reagan I Knew  - 
In The Regan I Knew, the late William F. Buckley Jr. offers a reminiscence of thirty years of friendship with the man who brought the American conservative movement out of the political wilderness and into the White House. Ronald Reagan and Buckley were political allies and close friends throughout Reagan's political career. They went on vacations together and shared inside jokes. When Reagan was elected president, Buckley wrote him to say that Reagan should not offer him any position in the new administration; Reagan wrote back saying he had hoped to appoint Buckley U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan (then under Soviet occupation). For the rest of his term, Reagan called Buckley ?Mr. Ambassador." On the day the Soviets withdrew, he wrote Buckley to congratulate him for single-handedly driving out the Red Army ?without ever leaving Kabul."Yet for all the words that have been written about him, Ronald Reagan remains an enigma. His former speechwriter Peggy Noonan called him ?paradox all the way down," and even his son Ron Reagan despaired of ever truly knowing him. But Reagan was not an enigma to William F. Buckley Jr. They understood and taught each other for decades, and together they changed history.This book presents an American political giant as seen by another giant, who knew him perhaps better than anyone else. It is the most revealing portrait of Ronald Reagan the world is likely to have.


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Way Out There In the Blue  - 
Way Out There in the Blue is a major work of history by the Pulitzer Prizewinning author of Fire in the Lake. Using the Star Wars missile defense program as a magnifying glass on his presidency, Frances FitzGerald gives us a wholly original portrait of Ronald Reagan, the most puzzling president of the last half of the twentieth century. Reagan's presidency and the man himself have always been difficult to fathom. His influence was enormous, and the few powerful ideas he espoused remain with us still -- yet he seemed nothing more than a charming, simple-minded, inattentive actor. FitzGerald shows us a Reagan far more complex than the man we thought we knew. A master of the American language and of self-presentation, the greatest storyteller ever to occupy the Oval Office, Reagan created a compelling public persona that bore little relationship to himself. The real Ronald Reagan -- the Reagan who emerges from FitzGerald's book -- was a gifted politician with a deep understanding of the American national psyche and at the same time an executive almost totally disengaged from the policies of his administration and from the people who surrounded him. The idea that America should have an impregnable shield against nuclear weapons was Reagan's invention. His famous Star Wars speech, in which he promised us such a shield and called upon scientists to produce it, gave rise to the Strategic Defense Initiative. Reagan used his sure understanding of American mythology, history and politics to persuade the country that a perfect defense against Soviet nuclear weapons would be possible, even though the technology did not exist and was not remotely feasible. His idea turned into a multibillion-dollar research program. SDI played a central role in U.S.-Soviet relations at a crucial juncture in the Cold War, and in a different form it survives to this day. Drawing on prodigious research, including interviews with the participants, FitzGerald offers new insights into American foreign policy in the Reagan era. She gives us revealing portraits of major players in Reagan's administration, including George Shultz, Caspar Weinberger, Donald Regan and Paul Nitze, and she provides a radically new view of what happened at the Reagan-Gorbachev summits in Geneva, Reykjavik, Washington and Moscow. FitzGerald describes the fierce battles among Reagan's advisers and the frightening increase of Cold War tensions during Reagan's first term. She shows how the president who presided over the greatest peacetime military buildup came to espouse the elimination of nuclear weapons, and how the man who insisted that the Soviet Union was an "evil empire" came to embrace the Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, and to proclaim an end to the Cold War long before most in Washington understood that it had ended. Way Out There in the Blue is a ground-breaking history of the American side of the end of the Cold War. Both appalling and funny, it is a black comedy in whic


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Way Out There in the Blue Reagan, Star Wars and the End of the Cold War - 
"Way Out There in the Blue" is a major work of history by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "Fire in the Lake." Using the Star Wars missile defense program as a magnifying glass on his presidency, Frances FitzGerald gives us a wholly original portrait of Ronald Reagan, the most puzzling president of the last half of the twentieth century. Reagan's presidency and the man himself have always been difficult to fathom. His influence was enormous, and the few powerful ideas he espoused remain with us still -- yet he seemed nothing more than a charming, simple-minded, inattentive actor. FitzGerald shows us a Reagan far more complex than the man we thought we knew. A master of the American language and of self-presentation, the greatest storyteller ever to occupy the Oval Office, Reagan created a compelling public persona that bore little relationship to himself. The real Ronald Reagan -- the Reagan who emerges from FitzGerald's book -- was a gifted politician with a deep understanding of the American national psyche and at the same time an executive almost totally disengaged from the policies of his administration and from the people who surrounded him. The idea that America should have an impregnable shield against nuclear weapons was Reagan's invention. His famous Star Wars speech, in which he promised us such a shield and called upon scientists to produce it, gave rise to the Strategic Defense Initiative. Reagan used his sure understanding of American mythology, history and politics to persuade the country that a perfect defense against Soviet nuclear weapons would be possible, even though the technology did not exist and was not remotely feasible. His idea turned into amultibillion-dollar research program. SDI played a central role in U.S.-Soviet relations at a crucial juncture in the Cold War, and in a different form it survives to this day. Drawing on prodigious research, including interviews with the participants, FitzGerald offers new insights into American foreign policy in the Reagan era. She gives us revealing portraits of major players in Reagan's administration, including George Shultz, Caspar Weinberger, Donald Regan and Paul Nitze, and she provides a radically new view of what happened at the Reagan-Gorbachev summits in Geneva, Reykjavik, Washington and Moscow. FitzGerald describes the fierce battles among Reagan's advisers and the frightening increase of Cold War tensions during Reagan's first term. She shows how the president who presided over the greatest peacetime military buildup came to espouse the elimination of nuclear weapons, and how the man who insisted that the Soviet Union was an "evil empire" came to embrace the Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, and to proclaim an end to the Cold War long before most in Washington understood that it had ended. "Way Out There in the Blue" is a ground-breaking history of the American side of the end of the Cold War. Both appal


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Reagan The Man and His Presidency - 
The Islamic revolution. The Star Wars initiative. The Achille Lauro hijacking. The rise of the Moral Majority. The bombing of Libya. The Reykjavik summit. The hostages in Lebanon. The funding of the contras. These are some of the major news stories of the American 1980s, all of them part of an overarching story, the presidency of Ronald Reagan, the man whose character and conservative ideology defined the decade. Now these stories are told by the men and women who lived them in an unprecedented oral history of the era, from Reagan's first run on Washington in 1976 to his legacy today. Deborah and Gerald Strober have interviewed more than one hundred key players of the Reagan years, not only the president's closest friends and advisers but also some of his most vocal detractors. The testimony of these witnesses -- always candid and detailed and sometimes contradictory -- is woven into a single rich narrative, at once a chronicle of national and international politics of the period and a fascinating composite portrait of the man at the center of events. No other book takes us farther inside the Reagan White House or brings us closer to Reagan himself. Here are the members of the president's inner circle -- James Baker, Michael Deaver, Edwin Meese, and Don Regan -- speaking frankly about their influence on his political decision-making, and about Nancy Reagan's far greater influence. Here are leaders of the contras and the Sandinistas, of Israel and its adversaries, examining Reagan's policies in Central America and the Middle East. Here are C. Everett Koop on Reagan's attitude toward AIDS, Jerry Falwell on his fear of Armageddon, and Manuel Noriega on his use and abuse of Panama. Andhere, in a tour de force of research and reporting, is the most complete account yet of the U.S. invasion of Grenada, in the words of all the key politicians, strategists, and military personnel on both sides of the incident. The final years of the Reagan presidency were dominated by Iran-contra, and the Strobers' reconstruction of the scandal is masterly. The intricate web of events, from the first arms-for-hostages deal to the special investigation and its political aftermath, is traced clearly by those who wove it -- the arms brokers, the CIA, Oliver North, Fawn Hall, Lawrence Walsh, even the hostages themselves. "How do the Strobers do it?" asks Sidney Zion. "They manage to talk to all the untouchables . . . and the result is terrific -- history on the hoof." Reagan: The Man and His Presidency is oral history at its best -- an immediate and important historical document that brings the makers of history alive in their own voices.


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