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Steam Machine Water Pistol CSG X5 24 in. Water Gun - 81004-5
This 24-inch water gun is perfect for sneak attacks and on-the-fly water raids. The affordable CSG X5 Water Gun is sure to be a hit with young and old alike. It comes in a variety of colors and is sure to please everyone with its sturdy construction and its spacious water reserve. Enjoy hours of water blasting fun with this 24-inch water gun. It is the perfect prize for picnic games and party favors and makes birthdays and outings a literal blast! Unlike puny water pistols this gun is like a fire hydrant blasting opponents with tons of water. Its large tank and pump action unleashes a jet stream of H20 onto opponents with drenching accuracy. In the midst of an epic water gun battle enjoy mobility with this light weight water toy.

  • 24-inch water gun is perfect for sneak attacks and on-the-fly water raids.
  • Comes in a variety of colors and is sure to please everyone.
  • Makes birthdays and outings a literal blast.
  • Its large tank and pump action unleash a jet stream of H20 onto opponents.
  • Enjoy mobility with this light weight water toy.

  • $18.56

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    Steam Machine Water Pistol CSG X2 11 in. Water Gun - 81001-4
    Ambush your assailants with this nifty and compact water pistol! This 11-inch water gun is perfect for sneak attacks and on-the-fly water raids. The affordable CSG X2 Water Gun is sure to be a hit with young and old alike. It comes in a variety of colors and is sure to please everyone with its sturdy construction and compact design. Enjoy hours of water blasting fun with this 11-inch water gun. It is the perfect prize for picnic games and party favors and makes birthdays and outings a literal blast! Unlike clunky water pistols this gun fits in totes and backpacks and is perfect for light travel. Larger than traditional water pistols use this water artillery to blast your competition with tons of water. In the midst of an epic water battle enjoy mobility with this light weight water toy. Don't be fooled by its compact size this water gun unleashes a jet stream of H20 onto opponents with drenching accuracy.

  • Water Pistol comes in a variety of colors and is sure to please everyone.
  • Water Pistol fits in toes and backpacks and is perfect for light travel.
  • Unleashes a jet stream of H20 onto opponents with drenching accuracy.
  • 11-inch water gun is perfect for sneak attacks and on-the-fly water raids.
  • Perfect prize for picnic games and party favors.

  • $15.49

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