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And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
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UNIV/University 40 CP AMEN:NH ND NS approx 1.3 mi S of Lohrville 42.252 -94.543Save
ARRO/Arrowhead Lake CP PH:618.983.3535 all year COMM:older place but clean and nice SITES:55 AMEN:WE DP FT DW SH L$ approx 1.0 mi NE of Johnston City 37.826 -88.91Save
JOHC/Johnson Creek NF PH:618.253.7114/618.253.7114 SITES:20 AMEN:NH DP NS NR L$ approx 11.2 mi NW of Murphysboro 37.834 -89.521Save
JOHS/Johnson Sauk Trail State Park SP PH:309.853.5589 early may-late nov SITES:95 AMEN:E DP 40ft DW SH RS PA approx 6.1 mi N of Kewanee 41.33 -89.891Save
SAMD/Sam Dale Lake Conservation Area SCA PH:618.835.2292 all year AMEN:E DP RS PA approx 3.3 mi NW of Johnsonville 38.543 -88.591Save
JOHN/Johnny Appleseed Park CP PH:260.427.6720 SITES:40 AMEN:E DP 40ft DW SH approx 2.5 mi NE of Fort Wayne 41.112 -85.119Save
JOHC/Johnson County Park CP PH:812.526.6809 SITES:50 AMEN:WE DP approx 4.4 mi NW of Edinburgh. 39.38 -86.043Save
DAMA/Dam Site Area - John Redmond Reservoir COE PH:620.364.8613 early may-late sep AMEN:E DP DW SH RS approx 3.8 mi N of Burlington 38.248 -95.756Save
HICE/Hickory Creek East - John Redmond Reservoir COE AMEN:NR approx 6.1 mi NW of Burlington 38.275 -95.786Save
HICW/Hickory Creek West - John Redmond Reservoir COE AMEN:NR approx 6.0 mi NW of Burlington 38.271 -95.796Save
JOHN/John Brown Memorial Park CP PH:913.755.4460 SITES:35 AMEN:E DP NS approx 0.4 mi W of Osawatomie 38.498 -94.959Save
REDN/Redmond Cove North - John Redmond Reservoir COE PH:316.364.8613 AMEN:NR approx 4.4 mi N of Burlington 38.256 -95.763Save
REDS/Redmond Cove South - John Redmond Reservoir COE PH:316.364.8613 AMEN:NR approx 4.2 mi N of Burlington 38.254 -95.759Save
RIVC/Rivercrest - Walter Johnson City Park CP SITES:61 AMEN:WES DP DW SH NR approx 1.5 mi E of Coffeyville 37.036 -95.589Save
RIVE/Riverside East - John Redmond Reservoir COE PH:620.364.8613 early may-late sep AMEN:E 60ft RS PA approx 3.9 mi N of Burlington 38.25 -95.754Save
RIVW/Riverside West - John Redmond Reservoir COE PH:620.364.8613 early may-late sep AMEN:E DP DW SH RS PA approx 3.2 mi N of Burlington 38.239 -95.756Save
THEW/The Woods - Walter Johnson City Park CP SITES:56 AMEN:WE DP DW SH NR L$ approx 1.2 mi E of Coffeyville 37.036 -95.595Save
WESW/West Wingwall - John Redmond Reservoir COE early apr-late oct SITES:6 AMEN:NH ND FT DW NS NR L$ approx 3.5 mi NW of Burlington 38.219 -95.799Save
ALOH/Aloha State Park SP PH:231.625.2522 early may-late oct SITES:285 AMEN:E DP DW SH RS approx 8.5 mi S of Cheboygan 45.524 -84.465Save
BIBL/Big Bear Lake - State Forest SF PH:989.732.3541 all year COMM:open all year but snow may block SITES:30 AMEN:NR approx 4.7 mi SE of Johannesburg 44.945 -84.38Save
JOHG/John Gurney City Park CP PH:231.873.4959 AMEN:WES DP DW SH approx 0.6 mi NE of Hart 43.705 -86.357Save
JOHN/Johnsons Crossing Trail Camp - State Forest SF all year COMM:open all year but snow may block SITES:10 AMEN:NR approx 4.7 mi NE of Johannesburg 45.045 -84.408Save
TOWN/Town Corner Lake - State Forest SF all year COMM:open all year but snow may block SITES:12 AMEN:NR approx 10.0 mi NE of Johannesburg 45.114 -84.361Save
JOHN/John Latsch State Park SP PH:507.643.6849 all year COMM:walk to sites only SITES:7 AMEN:NH NR L$ approx 13.1 mi NW of Winona 44.173 -91.839Save
KAN1/Kandiyohi County Park 1 CP PH:320.995.6599 mid may-mid oct SITES:90 AMEN:E DP DW SH approx 5.3 mi W of Lillian 44.987 -94.98Save
KAN2/Kandiyohi County Park 2 CP PH:320.664.4707 mid may-mid sep SITES:85 AMEN:E DP DW SH approx 3.7 mi NW of Lillian 45.01 -94.915Save
KAN3/Kandiyohi County Park 3 CP PH:320.974.8520 mid may-mid sep SITES:55 AMEN:E DP DW SH approx 5.3 mi NE of Kandiyohi 45.191 -94.863Save
KAN5/Kandiyohi County Park 5 CP PH:320.796.5564 mid may-mid sep SITES:54 AMEN:E DP DW SH approx 4.3 mi NE of Spicer 45.272 -94.873Save
KAN7/Kandiyohi County Park 7 CP PH:320.354.4453 mid may-mid sep SITES:56 AMEN:E DP DW SH approx 7.3 mi W of New London 45.325 -95.09Save
TOOH/Toohey Lake NF PH:218.663.7280/218.626.4300 SITES:10 EL:1677 AMEN:NH ND NS NR approx 12.0 mi N of Schroeder 47.713 -90.954Save
JOHN/Johnsons Shut-Ins State Park SP PH:573.546.2450 all year AMEN:WES FT DW RS approx 6.6 mi N of Lesterville 37.549 -90.849Save
JOHN/John Moses Memorial Park CP COMM:small - unkonown facilities EL:1739 AMEN:E L$ approx 0.3 mi NE of Hazen 47.299 -101.619Save
LIOP/Lion Park at Lake Upsilon CP PH:701 477.3149 EL:2115 AMEN:NH approx 5.7 mi W of St. John 48.969 -99.831Save
MOHA/Mohall City Campground CP PH:701.756.6464 SITES:10 EL:1640 AMEN:E DP DW SH L$ approx 0.1 mi SW of Mohall 48.762 -101.516Save
MOUS/Mouse River Park CP PH:701.386.2875 EL:1680 AMEN:E DP DW SH approx 12.6 mi W of Mohall 48.795 -101.787Save
JODS/John D. Sims Memorial Park CP COMM:unknown facilities EL:2251 AMEN:E approx 0.2 mi NE of Mason City 41.225 -99.297Save
JOHN/Johnson Lake State Rec Area SRA PH:308.785.2685 all year SITES:207 EL:2623 AMEN:E DP 40ft DW SH RS PA approx 8.4 mi SW of Lexington 40.679 -99.83Save
JOHP/Johnson Park CP PH:402.727.2630 COMM:unknown facilities approx 2.4 mi E of Fremont 41.435 -96.452Save
LONS/Lone Star Rec Area CP PH:402.364.2145 SITES:14 EL:1552 AMEN:E VT L$ approx 3.8 mi E of Ohiowa 40.415 -97.381Save
LONL/Long Lake State Rec Area SRA PH:402.684.2921 EL:2720 AMEN:NH ND NS NR approx 19.5 mi S of Johnstown 42.292 -100.108Save
OHIO/Ohiowa RV Park CP PH:402.295.2350 early apr-late oct SITES:9 EL:1588 AMEN:WE FT DW L$ approx 0.2 mi S of Ohiowa 40.411 -97.453Save
JOHN/John Bryan State Park SP PH:937.767.1274 all year SITES:100 AMEN:E DP NS RS approx 1.5 mi SE of Yellow Springs 39.789 -83.869Save
MOHI/Mohican State Park SP PH:419.994.5125 all year SITES:190 AMEN:E DP 45ft SH RS approx 2.2 mi SW of Loudonville 40.61 -82.257Save
LLEW/Llewellyn Johns State Rec Area SRA PH:605. 374.5111 all year SITES:10 EL:2251 AMEN:NH ND NS RS approx 11.6 mi S of Lemmon 45.774 -102.182Save
KOHL/Kohler - Andrae State Park SP PH:920.451.4080 all year SITES:100 AMEN:E DP 45ft DW SH RS PA approx 5.4 mi S of Sheboygan 43.673 -87.718Save
STOH/Stockholm City Park CP AMEN:E L$ approx 0.2 mi S of Stockholm 44.481 -92.263Save

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